What is the Growing Mid Wales Careers Project?
The Growing Mid Wales Careers project aims to streamline the work experience process, making it easier for employers and academia to connect and arrange work experience placements for students. Employers will gain a streamlined process for offering work experience placements, which could help them to identify potential future employees and enhance their reputation in the community. Schools and colleges will benefit from improved access to work experience placements for their students, which could enhance educational outcomes and future employment prospects, thus retaining the youth population within the region.
Want to know more?
Project Goals
- To produce a user-friendly platform for employers to advertise work experience
- To generate opportunities for students to search and apply for work experience
- To improve communication and collaboration between employers, academia, and students, leading to improved work experience opportunities and outcomes.
Key Application Features:
The application will include features such as:
- Employer Registration: Employers will be able to register on the application and create a profile detailing the types of work experience placements they can offer.
- Academia Registration: Schools and colleges will also be able to register on the application and create a profile detailing the number of students they need placements for, and the types of placements they are seeking.
- Profile Matching: The app will match and connect employers and education based on their profiles and preferred choices.
- Placement Management: Work experience placements will be managed through the app, including scheduling and communication.
- Feedback and Evaluation: The application will include a feedback and evaluation system, capturing feedback on experiences to further improve the service.
Shared Prosperity Fund
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a part of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and a significant component of its support for places across the UK.
Multiply – Numeracy Matters
This project focuses on supporting local employers in developing the numeracy skills of their workforce.
Multiply – Numeracy Matters (Powys)
This project focuses on supporting local employers in developing the numeracy skills of their workforce.
Net Zero Skills Development (Powys)
This project provides employers with tailored support and information relating to Net Zero Skills Development.
Insulating Powys
This project aims to build capacity within the local installer sector and build demand for housing insulation in existing properties in Powys.