Skills Academy Wales are running an Employer Apprenticeship & Training Opportunities event to discuss the apprenticeship and training opportunities that are available for employers. This is taking place on 26 August 2021 via Zoom from 11:00am until 12:30pm.
Skills Academy Wales is a leading provider of Work-Based Learning in Wales. A consortium of 8 partners, Skills Academy Wales offers high-quality learning and a flexible provision to match the individual skills needs of young people, the unemployed and existing employees. Building strong and effective partnerships with employers allows Skills Academy Wales to support the development of business solutions. For further information on Skills Academy Wales, please visit www.skillsacademywales.co.uk.
This free online event will have presentations from each partner within Skills Academy Wales and information will be readily available on employer incentives, available routes and the support employers can get to recruit and develop an apprentice within their business.
This event will be running via Zoom, please register your interest by clicking this link to our Eventbrite page and joining instructions will be sent out before the event.