Personal Learning Accounts – Part-time studying to enhance your current job or kick-start a brand new career in sectors with skills shortages…
What is a Personal Learning Account?
The PLA Programme provides support across Wales for employed people to gain higher level skills which will enable individuals to access a wider range of job opportunities and/or gain employment at a higher level.
The primary aim of the Personal Learning Account programme is to enable people to upskill and reskill in priority sectors; to improve their career and earnings potential, and to help raise the median income in Wales. The scheme will continue to focus on those currently earning below £32,371 per annum (the annual median full time male salary) and on qualifications that have a proven track record of improving earnings.
How can I access a Personal Learning Account?
To be eligible for a Personal Learning Account, individuals must
- Reside in Wales
- Be aged 19 years old or over
In addition, Individuals must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Employed (including self-employed) and earning a basic salary below the median income (£32,371)*, or
- Workers on zero hours contracts, or
- Agency staff, or
- At risk of being made redundant**, or
- Offenders on day release, or
- Full-time carers (paid or non-paid), where there is capacity on existing courses (i.e. infill)
* for the Digital and Net Zero priorities, there will be no salary cap for 2023/2024.
** only if on welsh government list of priority qualifications
Individuals are ineligible if they are:
- Under the age of 19 (caveat above), or
- attending school or college full-time as a pupil or student, or
- In full-time higher education, or
- In Welsh Government funded Work Based Learning, or
- An ineligible overseas national, or
- In receipt of an Assembly Learning Grant or Education Maintenance Allowance, or
- Unemployed (i.e. does not have a contract of employment)
Which documents will I be asked to provide to evidence my eligibility?
For 2023/24, national priorities include:
- Net Zero and green construction (including retrofit, wind, tidal and solar power)
- Digital
- Logistics (in particular HGV and LGV driving; including driver licence fees and tests)
- Advanced Materials and manufacturing (including technical engineers)
- Hospitality (including chefs, catering assistants, waiting and front of house staff)
- Health and Social Care re-engagement
The process for applying is simple and involves working with the Business Development Unit to discuss goals and career aspirations to ensure that the course is the right pathway for them, or if there is a more suitable course.
Please click the blue banner below if you wish to see the courses we have available and to register your interest in applying for PLA funding.
The funding team will review your details and advise you on your eligibility.
Click Here to Register Your Interest in PLA Funding
Fill in this form to register your interest in Personal Learning Accounts.