TATA Skills Support

The team at NPTC Group of Colleges hopes to help in any way we can to support the challenges faced by Tata employees and the supply chain which is vital to the economy across our region.

We appreciate that the risk of redundancy and what that may lead to can be daunting. We have compiled a range of sector-based provision that may help you to decide if a change in career or a need to upskill or reskill is the direction you wish to go in.

We have a range of funding options available.


*Subject to Eligibility

Please get in touch with a member of the team who will help you navigate your future career opportunities through training.

Some courses have immediate availability. Please contact us for further details

For further information and support, click the link below:
TATA Steel Transition Information Hub

How can you help?

Please fill out this survey: Business and Supply Chain Survey