Help your business achieve its full potential with funded employee upskilling development opportunities

With funding available from the Welsh Government to enhance regional skills, there has never been a better time for businesses to invest in their employees.

Employee training and upskilling are an integral part of a successful business, with the importance of professional development for staff, it’s essential to stay ahead of the game. NPTC Group of Colleges has a dedicated Business Development Unit with highly knowledgeable Business Engagement Advisors, currently working closely with businesses to determine how the various funding opportunities can be utilised to support their growth plans and assist with the upskilling of their workforce.

There are various funding options available through NPTC Group of Colleges, here are some examples of the support available:

Skills Development Fund:
The Welsh Government’s Skills Development Fund (SDF) continues to help target job specific skills gaps and increase employment opportunities for the unemployed and to upskill those currently in employment. It provides opportunities to develop in a wide variety of topic areas. For example, if people wish to update or learn new management skills or improve their use of Excel – this fund can help. The fund covers the full cost of the course and can provide learners with an accredited qualification.

Upskilling At Work:
For NPTC Group of Colleges, this is a Powys based funding scheme supported by the European Social Fund via Welsh Government and is designed to enhance skills and increase productivity. This fund provides employers the opportunity to gain subsidised accredited qualifications for their workforce.


The funding provides organisations and individuals in Wales with the opportunity to gain valuable accredited qualifications and workplace experience whilst earning a wage. Within the College, we have a work-based learning department that deals specifically with the delivery of apprenticeships – Pathways Training. The cost of delivery of the qualifications is fully funded.

Further Education funding:
We provide further education courses to many students across south and mid Wales via the Welsh Government FE core funding stream.

Delivering success in industry…

NPTC Group of Colleges’ Business Development Unit has supported and worked with Neath Port Talbot based social housing company, Tai Tarian who utilised the Skills for Industry 2 funding as part of their goal to upskill their workforce. A bespoke Maintenance Multi-Trade apprenticeship was developed, designed to meet the needs of the maintenance industry and allow Tai Tarian to increase productivity, reduce costs and encourage employees to work smarter, allowing for jobs to be completed quickly and at a higher satisfaction rate.

Jaime Greig (Tai Tarian, Senior Operations Officer) said “The benefits of having a highly trained workforce include being able to address critical skills gaps and prepare the workforce for future skill requirements, including succession planning. NPTC Group of Colleges have been able to assist us with upskilling individual operatives who have the skill but did not necessarily have the qualifications recognised within the industry, to achieve just that.”

With the funding options that are available to employers, NPTC Group of Colleges’ Business Development Unit provides businesses with support and guidance on how to maximise the funding opportunities available whilst ensuring they achieve their training goals.

For further information on available funding and available professional training, please contact NPTC Group of Colleges’ Business Development Unit on