Support Available:
We want to make sure your business is aware of the available support packages for businesses in Wales as a result of the current firebreak. some of these funds are also open to community amateur sports clubs and non-profit organisations in receipt of discretionary rate relief.
Local Authorities are responsible for dispersing the funds some of which are discretionary so will not be received automatically by eligible organisations, some will be open for application only until the funds are exhausted.
Grants on Offer:
Grant 1 is £5,000 being made available for retail, leisure, and hospitality businesses that have been forced to close (as defined by the regulations) and occupy properties with a rateable value of between £12,001 and £51,000. The business will need to be on the NDR rating list for its local authority on 1 September 2020 and will need to complete a simple registration form to receive the grant. Businesses must be liable for business rates payable to the local authority to be eligible for this grant.
Grant 2 of £1,000 is being made available to businesses eligible for small business rates relief (SBRR) in Wales occupying properties with a rateable value of up to £12,000 (see exceptions below). Businesses must be liable for business rates payable to the local authority to be eligible for this grant.
Dependent on meeting the eligibility criteria, Grant 2 applicants can also apply for the following top-up grants:
- Businesses eligible for small business rates relief that have been subject to local restrictions for 3 weeks or more and have been materially impacted (>50% reduction in turnover) up to the 23rd October will be eligible for a further grant of £1,000.
- Businesses eligible for small business rates relief that have been forced to close (as defined by the regulations) as a result of the national firebreak lockdown will also be eligible for a further top up grant of £2,000 from their local authority.
A £1,000 grant to all ratepayers eligible for charitable relief and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) relief, operating in the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors occupying properties with a rateable value of up to £12,000. Local authorities have the discretion to provide grants to not-for-profit bodies they consider to be operating for charitable purposes but aren’t currently receiving charitable relief or CASC relief. This discretion will only apply to not-for-profit organisations who are in receipt of or have entitlement to discretionary rates relief and operate in the retail, leisure, or hospitality sectors.
Community Amateur Sports Clubs will also be eligible to apply for the top-up grants if they meet the eligibility criteria detailed above.
How to Apply?
Businesses can apply for the Lockdown Non-Domestic Rate Grant by accessing their Local Authority’s Lockdown website page. If eligible, they will be able to access the online application form, complete all the requested fields and submit their application. The grant will be open to applications from on the 28th October and will close at 5pm on the 20th November 2020 or when the fund is fully committed.
A list of Local Authority webpages with further information: